Trump is working with the New World Order, and has already been well established as a traitor playing his part.
The fact this Axotol guy keeps stickying things to try to prove Biden is "AcTuAlLy A pRoXy" and Trump is muh good guy!! Is a HUGE red flag that he is trying to suade our forum towards not rebelling/revolting and to "just vote harder!!!!11"
Dont be like him. They have all been caught at this point especially "father of the vaccine" "You knew i was a snake before you took me in" "Klaus has done a great job" Trump. Dont be a retard, avoid the trap. Rebel the system or die.
Trump is working with the New World Order, and has already been well established as a traitor playing his part.
The fact this Axotol guy keeps stickying things to try to prove Biden is "AcTuAlLy A pRoXy" and Trump is muh good guy!! Is a HUGE red flag that he is trying to suade our forum towards not rebelling/revolting and to "just vote harder!!!!11"
Dont be like him. They have all been caught at this point especially "father of vaccine." "You knew i was a snake before you took me in" "Klaus has done a great job" Trump. Dont be a retard, avoid the trap. Rebel the system or die.