Unpopular opinion: I got the vaccine and have had no health issues. None of this change in behavior or delusions. We'll see in 10+ years but I honestly don't care anymore. If I go out early, it would bring me some relief. (I lost both of my parents and am an only child, so I am at a point where nothing matters to me anymore.)
I used to have a similar mindset to everyone here on this subreddit but changed my tune when my father died from COVID. We were BOTH unvaccinated and caught the virus but I sadly survived without him. I only got the first two vaccine shots from Moderna. I don't plan on getting boosters at all, which is where I'm hearing a lot of these injuries/diseases are coming from.
Unpopular opinion: I got the vaccine and have had no health issues. None of this change in behavior or delusions. We'll see in 10+ years but I honestly don't care anymore.
I used to have a similar mindset to everyone here on this subreddit but changed my tune when my father died from COVID. We were BOTH unvaccinated and caught the virus but I sadly survived without him. I only got the first two vaccine shots from Moderna. I don't plan on getting boosters at all, which is where I'm hearing a lot of these injuries/diseases are coming from.