20% Non compliance with vax schedule decades ago.
~Same % not complying now.
And yes. The younger ones lack reasoning skills. Ability to focus. Worse in the West.
20% Non compliance with vax schedule during the years around 1990-2010.
In one State at least there was an official Exemption card you sent to the local Indoctrination Center to excuse and brand the 20% noncompliant.
~Same % not complying now.
20% Non compliance with vax schedule during the years around 1990-2010.
In one State at least there was an official Exemption card you sent to the state indoctrination center to excuse and brand the 20% awoke.
~Same % not complying now.
20% Non compliance with vax scheduld during the years around 1990-2010.
~Same % not complying now.