That's the terrifying thing about blood clots. They happen in the blink of an eye and I'm sure every person who has died of a blood clot or aneurysm probably would have said they felt fine until about a minute before death. They have made it so you kind of hope it WILL kill you because what's there really to live for except making everyone else richer? Kinda gay anyway, so what have you really lost? Probably the masturbation is what got her. Or global warming. Better lock down.
That's the terrifying thing about blood clots. They happen I'm the blink of an eye and .sure every person who has died of a blood clot or aneurysm probably would have said they felt fine until about a minute before death. They have made it so you kind of hope it WILL kill you because what's there really to live for except making everyone else richer? Kinda gay anyway, so what have you really lost? Probably the masturbation is what got her. Or global warming. Better lock down.