Do I hear a ♥️♥️ LOVE CONNECTION?? ♥️♥️
Well, how'd it go guys, what were your first impressions?
Where did you guys go to dinner?
Did noyoushitup try makin whoopie?
THERE WERE NO SHOWERS I thought we already went through this? What do you want to bet everyone signed a NDA that went! to a CC, not because they agreed, but because they were forced. Sound familiar? Probably should. So maybe focus your anger on TODAYS OVENS and not yesterday's?
Do I hear a ♥️♥️ LOVE CONNECTION?? ♥️♥️
Well, how'd it go guys, what were your first impressions?
Where did you guys go to dinner?
Did noyoushitup try makin whoopie?
THERE WERE NO SHOWERS I thought we already went through this? What do you want to bet everyone signed a NDA that went! to a CC, not because they agreed, but because they were forced. Sound familiar? Private should. So maybe focus your anger on TODAYS OVENS and not yesterday's?
Do I hear a ♥️♥️ LOVE CONNECTION?? ♥️♥️
Well, how'd it go guys, what were your first impressions?
Where did you guys go to dinner?
Did noyoushitup try makin whoopie?
THERE WERE NO SHOWERS I thought we already went through this?
Do I hear a ♥️♥️ LOVE CONNECTION?? ♥️♥️
Well, how'd it go guys, what were your first impressions?
Where did you guys go to dinner?
Did noyoushitup try makin whoopie?
THERE WERE NO OVENS I thought we already went through this?
Do I hear a ♥️♥️ LOVE CONNECTION?? ♥️♥️
Well, how'd it go guys, what were your first impressions? Where did you guys go to dinner? Did noyoushitup try makin whoopie?
THERE WERE NO OVENS I thought we already went through this?