It's not impossible to imagine a scenario where, in order to divide the population even further than it already was, TPTB made side B think that the election was stolen by side A (Russia hoax, etc.), and then made side A think the election was stolen by side B the next time. This is divide and conquer 101.
I know what you're thinking, "but the election was actually stolen this time", etc. I also believe the election was stolen, prima facie. But, if we're looking at this critically, the explanation is simple: the left are a bunch of emotionally deranged idiots, so they would have bought anything that CNN told them (Russia, piss gate, etc.), whereas our side needed to figure it out on our own, using logic, in order to buy the scam. This is the real 4D chess: neither election was stolen by the culprits we each think about, but both elections were stolen by the men behind the curtain; those men want each side to hate the other side so that they can pick up all of our belongings while we are out front fighting in the street.
It's not impossible to imagine a scenario where, in order to divide the population even further than it already was, TPTB made side B think that the election was stolen by side A (Russia hoax, etc.), and then made side A think the election was stolen by side B the next time? This is divide and conquer 101.
I know what you're thinking, "but the election was actually stolen this time", etc. I also believe the election was stolen, prima facie. But, if we're looking at this critically, the explanation is simple: the left are a bunch of emotionally deranged idiots, so they would have bought anything that CNN told them (Russia, piss gate, etc.), whereas our side needed to figure it out on our own, using logic, in order to buy the scam. This is the real 4D chess: neither election was stolen by the culprits we each think about, but both elections were stolen by the men behind the curtain; those men want each side to hate the other side so that they can pick up all of our belongings while we are out front fighting in the street.
OK, so Trump released the poisonous vaccine to kill us all so that he wouldn't have to lock us down and destroy our economy, because he would've done that as the alternative. But he a good guy.
It's not impossible to imagine a scenario where, in order to divide the population even further than it already was, TPTB made side B think that the election was stolen by side A (Russia hoax, etc.), and then made side A think the election was stolen by side B the next time?
I know what you're thinking, "but the election was actually stolen this time", etc. The explanation for this bit is that the left are a bunch of emotionally deranged idiots, so they would have bought anything that CNN told them, whereas our side needed to figure it out on our own. This is the real 4D chess; they just want each side to hate the other side so that they can pick up all of our belongings while we are out front fighting in the street.