Don't discount this excellent intuition. You are doing good connecting these dots. Consider when humanity was "below 500,000,000" and what "maintain... in perpetual balance with nature" could mean to one with chronological control. Can you see this event as a gesture that such a one has chosen not to heed the instruction? Switzerland or switcher-land? Centrally located in place... and time? Ascending beyond 500,000,000 linked Vatican guards and English vanguard? Do they have your interest?
Don't discount this excellent intuition. You are doing good connecting these dots. Consider when humanity was "below 500,000,000" and what "maintain... in perpetual balance with nature" could mean to one with chronological control. Can you see this event as a gesture that such a one has chosen not to heed the instruction? Switzerland or switcher-land? Centrally located in place... and time? Ascending beoyond 500,000,000 linked Vatican guards and English vanguard? Do they have your interest?