Isn't that means that it was not a real value of oil or bitcoin changed, but only a value of backed by nothing USD? Real value (practical usefulness) of oil can't change if it is same variety. Liter of oil decade ago is same liter of oil now. Nothing changed. The energy density did not change, composition is the same, and so on. Seems that bitcoin practical usefullness was also stable as soon as it began to follow oil price chart.
What if we throw out USD as a measure of value and switch to something meaningful and really independent, say, kWh of energy instead? What charts will we get? They could be much more useful, than charts of price in some meaningless cutted paper.
Price charts of some real things in USD or any other paper could only show how value of USD was manipulated by the owners of printer, nothing more, they are useful only for those who making money out of thin air gambling on stocks or creating stupid propaganda about market. You can't use them for any scientific purpose.
Isn't that means that it was not a real value of oil or bitcoin changed, but only a value of backed by nothing USD? Real value (practical usefulness) of oil can't change if it is same variety. Seems that bitcoin practical usefullness was also stable as soon as it began to follow oil price chart.
What if we throw out USD as a measure of value and switch to something meaningful and really independent, say kWh of electricity instead? What charts will we get? They could be much more useful, than charts of price in some meaningless cutted paper.
Price charts of some real things in USD or any other paper could only show how value of USD was manipulated by the owners of printer, nothing more, they are useful only for those who making money out of thin air gambling on stocks or creating stupid propaganda about market. You can't use them for any scientific purpose.