Neighbor who'd once had the Biden / Harris 2020 sign on the lawn: "Excuse me, do you have any milk. We're out of milk. I need to feed the baby before I take my kids to the drag queen story hour."
Me: "Gosh, no, sorry. I shot the cow this morning. Sorry. Also, there's like a curse of the pharoahs on the goat shed. 'He who enters this shed shall suffer scarab-ass for the rest of his life.' So no goat milk. Ever. "
Neighbor who'd once had the Biden / Harris 2020 sign on the lawn: "Excuse me, do you have any milk. We're out of milk. I need to feed the baby before I take my kids to the drag queen story hour."
Me: "Gosh, no, sorry. I shot the cow this morning. And the goat too. Sorry."
Neighbor who'd had the Biden 2020 sign on the lawn: Excuse me, do you have any milk. We're out of milk. I need to feed the baby before I take my kids to the drag queen story hour.
Me: Gosh, no, sorry. I shot the cow this morning. Sorry.
Neighbor: Excuse me, do you have any milk. We're out of milk. I need to feed the baby before I take my kids to the drag queen story hour.
Me: Gosh, no, sorry. I shot the cow this morning. Sorry.