Is he the richest man on Earth? Or is it projection. What is Rich?
I agree with him here. COVID created the most useless assholes this planet has seen. Working from home was a disaster. That workforce didn't work. They weren't people making businesses from home. They were assholes who made excuses. It offered the most useless services as a result. Energy consumption peaked. But seriously, those monkeys, had kids screaming, dogs baking, didn't know how to press buttons, people taking a shit, or wanking, because they had no oversight. You couldn't call an office based service and expect a reasonable return. Crack the whip already.
Is he the richest man on Earth? Or is it projection. What is Rich?
I agree with him here. COVID created the most useless assholes this planet has seen. Working from home was a disaster. That workforce didn't work. They weren't people making businesses from home. They were assholes who made excuses. It offered the most usrless services as a result. Energy consumption peaked. But seriously, those monkeys, had kids screaming, dogs baking, didn't know how to press buttons, people taking a shit, or wanking, because they had no oversight. You couldn't call an office based service and expect a reasonable return. Crack the whip already.
Is he the richest man on Earth? Or is it projection. What is Rich?
I agree with him here. COVID created the most useless assholes this planet has seen. Working from home was a disaster. That workforce didn't work. They weren't people making businesses from home. They were assholes who made excuses. It offered the most services as a result. Energy consumption peaked. But seriously, those monkeys, had kids screaming, dogs baking, didn't know how to press buttons, people taking a shit, or wanking, because they had no oversight. You couldn't call an office based service and expect a reasonable return. Crack the whip already.
Is he the richest man on Earth? Or is it projection. What is Rich?
I agree with him here. COVID created the most useless assholes this planet has seen. Working from home was a disaster. That workforce didn't work. They weren't people making business from home. They were assholes who made excuses. It offered the roast services as result. Energy consumption peaked. But seriously, those monkeys, had kids screaming, dogs baking, didn't know how to press buttons, people taking a shit, or waking, because they had no oversight. You couldn't call an office based service and expect a reasonable return. Crack the whip already.
Is he the richest man on Earth? Or is it projection. What is Rich?
I agree with him here. COVID created the most useless assholes this planet has seen working from home was a disaster. That workforce didn't work. They weren't people making business from home. They were assholes who made excuses. It offered the roast services as result. Energy consumption peaked. But seriously, those monkeys, had kids screaming, dogs baking, didn't know how to press buttons, people taking a shit, or waking, because they had no oversight. You couldn't call an office based service and expect a reasonable return. Crack the whip already.
Is he the richest man on Earth? Or is it projection. What is Rich?