There are more than enough food and territory for hundreds of billions people on the Earth if we get rid of elites. Returning to the nominal Earth climate, warm, stable, even and mild, that bastards name "disaster", will provide much more food and territories, for trillions of people without any problems.
Overpopulation is a total bullshit. Any food shortages and other crap is completely artificial. Get rid of elites, and their agendas forcing people to live on the heads of each other in that stupid towns and spend trillions of working hours literally for nothing playing stupid finance, inshurance, useless service games, and there will be no any problems.
To solve that fictional "overpopulation problem" we have to exterminate elites, who talking about it and trying hard to create it, and that's all.
There are more than enough food and territory for hundreds of billions people on the Earth if we get rid of elites. Returning to the nominal Earth climate, warm, stable, even and mild, that bastards name "disaster", will provide much more food and territories, for trillions of people without any problems.
Overpopulation is a total bullshit. Any food shortages and other crap is completely artificial. Get rid of elites, and their agendas forcing people to live on the heads of each other in that stupid towns and spend trillions of working hours literally for nothing playing stupid finance, inshurance, useless service games, and there will be no any problems.
To solve that fictional "overpopulation problem" we have to exterminate elites and that's all.
There are more than enough food and territory for hundreds of billions people on the Earth if we get rid of elites. Returning to the nominal Earth climate, warm, stable, even and mild, that bastards name "disaster", will provide much more food and territories, for trillions of people without any problems.
Overpopulation is a total bullshit. Any food shortages and other crap is completely artificial. Get rid of elites, and their agendas forcing people to live on the heads of each other in that stupid towns and spend trillions of working hours literally for nothing playing stupid finance, inshuranse, useless service games, and there will be no any problems.
To solve that fictional "overpopulation problem" we have to exterminate elites and that's all.