Bill Cooper called out Alex Jones before 9/11, shortly after 9/11 he was dead. This allowed Jones to take up all the newly awake people under his leadership.
More recently Matthew North was calling out Jones and the CNP while doing a lot of unique research, he suddenly stopped making any videos, rumors are he is dead.
Alex Jones claims to be the most dangerous man in America, yet not a single assassination attempt to date.
Bill Cooper called out Alex Jones before 9/11, shortly after 9/11 he was dead. This allowed Jones to take up all the newly suspicious people under his leadership.
More recently Matthew North was calling out Jones and the CNP while doing a lot of unique research, he suddenly stopped making any videos, rumors are he is dead.
Alex Jones claims to be the most dangerous man in America, yet not a single assassination attempt to date.
Bill Cooper called out Alex Jones before 9/11, shortly after 9/11 he was dead.
More recently Matthew North was calling out Jones and the CNP while doing a lot of unique research, he suddenly stopped making any videos, rumors are he is dead.
Alex Jones claims to be the most dangerous man in America, yet not a single assassination attempt to date.