Yeah. Right now all tech is undergoing a drop due to the overall economic uncertainty. Until Ukraine situation plays out and the US economy stabilizes and the Nov election settles, Web 3 and crypto will stay down. But if you have the money, buying at current low prices and holding for years will pay off eventually just as buying BTC at $100 did.
Tech factors affecting crypto:
General tech is in the start of what is at minimum a two year slump. VCs are pulling back. Parts manufacturers are being profitable in this even with shortages of product to sell. Parts unavailability depends on relations with China, and that affects the auto industry. However cloud continues to grow as industries adopt it. But cloud is limited by parts availability for servers and memory devices, and that will take two years to level back out and up. Micron manufactures in the US and thus has good prospects. Western Digital has missteps and may spin off its flash production. Samsung and Hynix are asian and doing okay.
Economy factors affecting crypto:
Food production will be a problem and it will make food prices rise. That in combination with gas prices and job losses will cut into people's ability to buy crypto. Inflation of the dollar should make crypto prices go up but these other factors all weigh it down.
Yeah. Right now all tech is undergoing a drop due to the overall economic uncertainty. Until Ukraine situation plays out and the US economy stabilizes and the Nov election settles, Web 3 and crypto will stay down. But if you have the money, buying at current low prices and holding for years will pay off eventually just as buying BTC at $100 did.
Tech factors affecting crypto:
General tech is in the start of what is at minimum a two year slump. VCs are pulling back. Parts manufacturers are being profitable in this even with shortages of product to sell. Parts unavailability depends on relations with China, and that affects the auto industry. However cloud continues to grow as industries adopt it. But cloud is limited by parts availability for servers and memory devices, and that will take two years to level back out and up. Micron manufactures in the US and thus has good prospects. Western Digital has missteps and may spin off its flash production. Samsung and Hynix are asian and doign okay.
Economy factors affecting crypto:
Food production will be a problem and it will make food prices rise. That in combination with gas prices and job losses will cut into people's ability to buy crypto. Inflation of the dollar should make crypto prices go up but these other factors all weigh it down.
Yeah. Right now all tech is undergoing a drop due to the overall economic uncertainty. Until Ukraine situation plays out and the US economy stabilizes and the Nov election settles, Web 3 and crypto will stay down. But if you have the money, buying at current low prices and holding for years will pay off eventually just as buying BTC at $100 did.
General tech is in the start of what is at minimum a two year slump. Parts unavailability depends on relations with China, and that affects the auto industry. Parts manufacturers are being profitable in this even with shortages of product to sell. However cloud continues to grow as industries adopt it. But cloud is limited by parts availability for servers and memory devices, and that will take two years to level back out and up.
Food production will be a problem and it will make food prices rise. That in combination with gas prices and job losses will cut into people's ability to buy crypto. Inflation of the dollar should make crypto prices go up but these other factors all weigh it down.