Forcing sex? Hiring a prostitute is forcing sex? Who forced the sex I wonder. Technically the prostitute did. They sold sex for profit. Forcing it. Utterly complict, absolutely intent on selling it, motivated towards it. Not the John, it's there regardless. Sure they might have had a pimp behind them. Yawn. Sure you might have demanded your money's worth. Yawn. It wasn't forced by anybody else.
Laughable that there's this feed. Women can't find lesbian prostitues. Wahaa it costs more. Too right. How do you put a condom on it. How is that fucking done, and with what. Selective services often cost more. Shut up.
Forcing sex? Hiring a prostitute is forcing sex. Who forced the sex I wonder. Technically the prostitute did. They sold sex for profit. Forcing it. Utterly complict, absolutely intent on selling it, motivated towards it. Not the John, it's there regardless. Sure they might have had a pimp behind them. Yawn. Sure you might have demanded your money's worth. Yawn. It wasn't forced by anybody else.
Laughable that there's this feed. Women can't find lesbian prostitues. Wahaa it costs more. Too right. How do you put a condom on it. How is that fucking done, and with what. Selective services often cost more. Shut up.