I'm preparing for the day I have to take in my sister's 3 kids, 2 vaxxed, ages 4, 6, and 9. She almost immediately developed an enlarged liver after the first one and went back for 3 more (qualified as a medical sciences org director in MA. For someone so educated, her lack of critical thinking blows my mind, but she always struggled with wanting to be accepted). She's still fighting it a year later with no discernable improvement. I'm right with it emotionally at this point. My antivax mother will never forgive her for withholding grandchildren the last 2+ years.
I'm preparing for the day I have to take in my sister's 3 kids, 2 vaxxed, ages 4, 6, and 9. She almost immediately developed an enlarged liver after the first one and went back for 3 more (qualified as a medical sciences org director in MA. For someone so educated, her lack of critical thinking blows my mind, but she always struggled with wanting to be accepted). She's still fighting it a year later with no discernable improvement. I'm right with it emotionally at this point. My antivax mother will never forgive her for withholding grand-children the last 2+ years.
I'm preparing for the day I have to take in my sister's 3 kids, 2 vaxxed, ages 4, 6, and 9. She almost immediately developed an enlarged liver after the first one and went back for 3 more (qualified as a medical sciences org director in MA. For someone so educated, her lack of critical thinking blows my mind, but she always struggled with wanting to be accepted). She's still fighting it a year later with no discernable improvement. I'm right with it emotionally at this point.
I'm preparing for the day I have to take in my sister's 3 kids, 2 vaxxed, ages 4, 6, and 9. She almost immediately developed an enlarged liver after the first one and went back for 3 more (qualified as a medical sciences org director in MA). She's still fighting it a year later with no discernable improvement. I'm right with it emotionally at this point.