The exosome comes before symptoms, and may appear in a lightly poisoned person who never gets symptoms.
They do the same thing with HIV. In that case, the poisoning comes through injections (vaccines and illegal drug trade). An exosome (HIV) then appears in the body which is detected by PCR, or antibodies to this exosome are detected.
The exosome (HIV) appears years or decades before you get Kaposi's sarcoma, or whatever. In fact, if your poisoning is "light," the drugs they use to treat "HIV" may cause the same symptoms as AIDS, so you may die from the drugs because you tested positive and sought treatment.
They are doing the same thing with Covid, just the delivery of the initial poison is different (water instead of injections). Testing is an incredibly important aspect of the pandemic, and there would be no pandemic without it. This is the same structure as used with HIV/AIDS.
The exosome comes before symptoms, and may appear in a lightly poisoned person who never gets symptoms.
They do the same thing with HIV. In that case, the poisoning comes through injections (vaccines and illegal drug trade). An exosome (HIV) then appears in the body which is detected by PCR, or antibodies to this exosome are detected.
The exosome (HIV) appears years or decades before you get Kaposi's sarcoma, or whatever. In fact, if your poisoning is "light," the drugs they use to treat "HIV" may cause the same symptoms as AIDS, so you may die from the drugs because you tested positive and sought treatment.
They are doing the same thing with Covid, just the delivery of the initial poison is different (water instead of injections). Testing is an incredibly important aspect of the pandemic, and there would be no pandemic without it. Same structure as used with HIV/AIDS.
The exosome comes before symptoms, and may appear in a person who never gets symptoms.
They do the same thing with HIV. In that case, the poisoning comes through injections (vaccines and illegal drug trade). An exosome (HIV) then appears in the body which is detected by PCR, or antibodies to this exosome are detected.
The exosome (HIV) appears years or decades before you get Kaposi's sarcoma, or whatever. In fact, if your poisoning is "light," the drugs they use to treat "HIV" may cause the same symptoms as AIDS, so you may die from the drugs because you tested positive and sought treatment.
They are doing the same thing with Covid, just the delivery of the initial poison is different (water instead of injections). Testing is an incredibly important aspect of the pandemic, and there would be no pandemic without it. Same structure as used with HIV/AIDS.
The exosome comes before symptoms.
They do the same thing with HIV. In that case, the poisoning comes through injections (vaccines and illegal drug trade). An exosome (HIV) then appears in the body which is detected by PCR, or antibodies to this exosome are detected.
The exosome (HIV) appears years or decades before you get Kaposi's sarcoma, or whatever. In fact, if your poisoning is "light," the drugs they use to treat "HIV" may cause the same symptoms as AIDS, so you may die from the drugs because you tested positive and sought treatment.
They are doing the same thing with Covid, just the delivery of the initial poison is different (water instead of injections). Testing is an incredibly important aspect of the pandemic, and there would be no pandemic without it. Same structure as used with HIV/AIDS.
The exosome comes before symptoms.
They do the same thing with HIV. In that case, the poisoning comes through injections (vaccines and illegal drug trade). An exosome (HIV) then appears in the body which is detected by PCR, or by detecting the antibodies.
The exosome (HIV) appears years or decades before you get Kaposi's sarcoma, or whatever. In fact, if your poisoning is "light," the drugs they use to treat "HIV" may cause the same symptoms as AIDS, so you may die from the drugs because you tested positive and sought treatment.
They are doing the same thing with Covid, just the delivery of the initial poison is different (water instead of injections). Testing is an incredibly important aspect of the pandemic, and there would be no pandemic without it. Same structure as used with HIV/AIDS.
The exosome comes before symptoms.
They do the same thing with HIV. In that case, the poisoning comes through injections (vaccines and illegal drug trade). An exosome (HIV) then appears in the body which is detected by PCR, or by detecting the antibodies.
The exosome (HIV) appears years or decades before you get Kaposi's sarcoma, or whatever. In fact, if your poisoning is "light," the drugs they use to treat "HIV" may cause the same symptoms as AIDS, so you may die from the drugs because you tested positive and sought treatment.
They are doing the same thing with Covid, just the delivery of the initial poison is different (water instead of injections). Testing is an incredibly important aspect of the pandemic, and there would be no pandemic without it. Same structure is used with HIV/AIDS.
The exosome comes before symptoms.
They do the same thing with HIV. In that case, the poisoning comes through injections (vaccines and illegal drug trade). An exosome (HIV) then appears in the body which is detected by PCR, or by detecting the antibodies.
The exosome (HIV) appears years or decades before you get Kaposi's sarcoma, or whatever. In fact, if your poisoning is "light," the drugs they use to treat "HIV" may cause the same symptoms as AIDS, so you may die from the drugs because you tested positive and sought treatment.
They are doing the same thing with Covid, just the delivery of the initial poison is different. Testing is an incredibly important aspect of the pandemic, and there would be no pandemic without it. Same structure is used with HIV/AIDS.