Pretty sure privilege is entering a country and getting paid by it, but sending the money received somewhere else, with an intention of never living in it. I am quite sure privilege is entering another country, getting paid by it, and not speaking its language, sharing its customs, but calling everybody in it racist for not letting you do what you want. Pretty sure privilege is studying in another country, but never learning its culture, and instead simply undermining it.
There's no such thing as privilege in that retrospect. We aren't communists. They still employ privilege. They just think they ranked and weren't born into it. Instead we're nation's of assholes. Where the term privilege is often usurped. Although it can often be classism.
Pretty sure privilege is entering a country and getting paid by it, but sending the money received somewhere else, with an intention of never living in it. I am quite sure privilege is entering another country, getting paid by it, and not speaking its language, sharing its customs, but calling everybody in racist for not letting you do what you want. Pretty sure privilege is studying in another country, but never learning its culture, and instead simply undermining it.
There's no such thing as privilege in that retrospect. We aren't communists. They still employ privilege. They just think they ranked and weren't born into it. Instead we're nation's of assholes. Where the term privilege is often usurped. Although it can often be classism.
Pretty sure privilege is entering a country and getting paid by it, but sending the money received somewhere else, with an intention of never living in it. I am quite sure privilege is entering another country, getting paid by it, and not speaking its language, sharing its customs, but calling everybody in racist for not letting you do what you want. Pretty sure privilege is studying in another country, but never learning its culture, and instead simply undermining it.
There's no such thing as privilege in that retrospect. We aren't communists. They still employ privilege. They just think they ranked and weren't born into it. Instead we're nation's of assholes. Where the term privilege is often usurped. Although it can often be classism. A nation of assholes.
Pretty sure privilege is entering a country and getting paid by it, but sending the money received somewhere else, with an intention of never living in it. I am quite sure privilege is entering another country, getting paid by it, and not speaking its language, sharing its customs, but calling everybody in racist for not letting you do what you want. Pretty sure privilege is studying in another country, but never learning its culture, and instead simply undermining it.