Until you're welcoming those chains. You're literally begging to be chained. See how easy it is.
The standard indigenous operating manual. Ply them with trinkets, until you captivate one, sending it off to be educated, afterwards, you can steal land and resources, or force taxes. If at any point they rebelled simply wipe them out.
Or let's just assume you're another moth. The light, bedazzled.
Until you're welcoming those chains. You're literally begging to be chained. See how easy it is.
The standard indigenous operating manual. Ply them with trinkets, until you captivate one, sending it off to be educated, afterwards, you can steal land and resources, or force taxes. If they rebel wipe them out.
Or let's just assume you're a other moth. The light, bedazzled.
Until you're welcoming those chains. You're literally begging to be chained. See how easy it is.