You forgot that I'm in Russia. Even normies here have no any silly illusions about the banks and do not trust them even a bit. Typical normie behaviour after receiving salary on the bank account is to quickly run to closest ATM or bank office and withdraw everything in cash. You will find another behaviour only in large cities among hipsters and white collars who crazy about all that digital bells and whistles. Normies use bank cards in reverse order - if they need online payments they take some cash and fill the card for the sum enough for purchase. And usually this card is different from one they use for getting salary. Credit cards, if any, also different ones and in another bank.
And even cash is not trusted. We often name roubles as "wooden" - 100 wooden, 10000 wooden. Most prefer long-term savings (if any) in USD or EUR in the wardrobe. Precious metals are less popular due to problematic exchange. Crypto is gaining popularity among normies too, but slowly.
Now it's time for the West to find out that money in banks are not yours.
You forgot that I'm in Russia. Even normies here have no any silly illusions about the banks and do not trust them. Typical normie behaviour after receiving salary on the bank account is to quickly run to closest ATM or bank office and withdraw everything in cash. You will find another behaviour only in large cities among hipsters and white collars who crazy about all that digital bells and whistles.
And even cash is not trusted. We often name roubles as "wooden" - 100 wooden, 10000 wooden. Most prefer long-term savings (if any) in USD or EUR in the wardrobe. Precious metals are less popular due to problematic exchange. Crypto is gaining popularity among normies too, but slowly.
Now it's time for the West to find out that money in banks are not yours.