Well, I know that in Silicon Valley the developers are building massive numbers of expensive apartments and also $1.75 million townhomes, all of which get filled up or bought by immigrants. Here, the Facebook Amazon Apple and Google green card Indians take the apartments and the Chinese buy up the townhomes as a US stake. So the numbers have to be considered carefully as to what they represent. Here in NorCal, this is ALL to support immigrant labor. At Costco here when you go in, the entire customer base you see in the store is always foreigners and only 15% American. And maybe half the 'American' is Mexicans anyway.
Well, I know that in Silicon Valley the developers are building massive numbers of expensive apartments and also $1.75 million townhomes, all of which get filled up or bought by immigrants. Here, the Facebook Amazon Apple and Google green card Indians take the apartments and the Chinese buy up the townhomes as a US stake. So the numbers have to be considered carefully as to what they represent. Here in NorCal, this is ALL to support immigrant labor. At Costco here when you go in, the entire customer base you see in the store is always foreigners and only 15% American.