After my Great Grandfather came back from WWI it became family legacy to keep the kids out of the military. As the story goes, the second he came back he got rid of his gun, insisted to never have one in the house, never spoke about the war or visited a doctor again. Said they all "guessed" at their job. He succumbed to diabetes in 1968. That's not to say he abhored guns, he just didn't want one in the house. My father owns a gun store.
After my Great Grandfather came back from WWI it became family legacy to keep the kids out of the military. As the story goes, the second he came back he got rid of his gun, insisted to never have one in the house or visit a doctor again. Said they all "guessed" at their job. He succumbed to diabetes in 1968. That's not to say he abhored guns, he just didn't want one in the house. My father owns a gun store.