Next Ice Age is in the Age of Aquarius which is 7971 years away. We are in the Age of Aries as they count 0-2000, then reset it back to 0 and count to 10000.
We will go into nuclear summers and nuclear winters, and all the volcanic activity may cause enough smoke to block out the sun somewhat making some areas feel like a mini ice age.
It's mirrored 4 seasons 4 ages. Sagittarius (great flood doomsday when the clock strikes 12), Capricorn, Aquarius Ice Age (age of water/winter).
It's hidden in many stories.
They even tell you in Logan's Run that there is no sun during Ice Age, they lived underground.
Red Sun Cycle (global warming is to point the finger at us whilst hiding the truth).
Next Ice Age is in the Age of Aquarius which is 7971 years away. We are in the Age of Aries as they count 0-2000, the reset it back to 0 counts up to 10000.
We will go into nuclear summers and nuclear winters, and all the volcanic activity may cause enough smoke to block out the sun somewhat making some areas feel like a mini ice age.
It's mirrored 4 seasons 4 ages. Sagittarius (great flood doomsday when the clock strikes 12), Capricorn, Aquarius Ice Age (age of water/winter).
It's hidden in many stories.
They even tell you in Logan's Run no sun they lived underground.
Red Sun Cycle (global warming is to point the finger at us whilst hiding the truth).
Next Ice Age is in the Age of Aquarius which is 7971 years away. We are in the Age of Aries as they count 0-2000, the reset it back to 0 counts up to 10000.
We will go into nuclear summers and nuclear winters, and all the volcanic activity may cause enough smoke to block out the sun somewhat making some areas feel like a mini ice age.
It's mirrored 4 seasons 4 ages. Sagittarius (great flood doomsday when the clock strikes 12), Capricorn, Aquarius Ice Age (age of water/winter).
It's hidden in many stories.
They even tell you in Logan's Run no sun they lived underground.
Next Ice Age is in the Age of Aquarius which is 7971 years away. We are in the Age of Aries as they count 0-2000, the reset it back to 0 counts up to 10000.
We will go into nuclear summers and nuclear winters, and all the volcanic activity may cause enough smoke to block out the sun somewhat making some areas feel like a mini ice age.
It's mirrored 4 seasons 4 ages. Sagittarius (great flood doomsday when the clock strikes 12), Capricorn, Aquarius Ice Age (age of water/winter).
It's hidden in many stories.