WE HAVE A DUTY to the future of the earth to get these fucking people to wake up
I am with you 100% on this one.
I honestly feel like bullying is the best way
And I am 100% not with you on this one. In a perfect world the normies would not even have to think about anything that is directly beyond the reach of their hands. They should be left alone to do what they have and want to do, so everyone has a roof over their head, food on the table and the privilege to shit in a water closet. They should be able to delegate everything else to the few able people they really trust having their best interest in mind. If our media and democratic process were still working and doing what they purport to do, this would be the case.
Please don't hate on the normies! Welcome every quadruple vaxxed propaganda spouting normie that is beginning to see the Light back into the fold with open arms. It is absolutely astonishing how much trust people will put into you if you are truly able to unconditionally forgive them.
The Enemy is a centuries old brainwashing conspiracy of liars, not the simple minds that got swayed by it.
WE HAVE A DUTY to the future of the earth to get these fucking people to wake up
I am with you 100% on this one.
I honestly feel like bullying is the best way
And I am 100% not with you on this one. In a perfect world the normies should not even have to think about anything that is directly beyond the reach of their hands. They should be left alone to do what they have and want to do, so everyone has a roof over their head, food on the table and the privilege to shit in a water closet. They should be able to delegate everything else to the few able people they really trust having their best interest in mind. If our media and democratic process were still working and doing what they purport to do, this would be the case.
Please don't hate on the normies! Welcome every quadruple vaxxed propaganda spouting normie that is beginning to see the Light back into the fold with open arms. It is absolutely astonishing how much trust people will put into you if you are truly able to unconditionally forgive them.
The Enemy is a centuries old brainwashing conspiracy of liars, not the simple minds that got swayed by it.