Thought it was ok...the comet ping pong thing was a total false flag tho not a "real world consequence" to fake news
Thought it was ok...the comet ping pong thing was a total false flag tho to destroy evidence... I hate that cernovich is distancing himself from that
Thought it was ok...the comet ping pong thing was a total false flag tho to destroy evidence... I hate that cernovich is distancing himself from that AND the alt right's so disingenuous ..
The comet ping pong thing was a total false flag to destroy evidence... I hate that cernovich is distancing himself from that AND the alt right's so disingenuous
The comet ping pong thing was a total false flag to destroy evidence... I hate that cernovich is distancing himself from that AND the alt right and cozying up to BLM's so disingenuous