Freedom fighters have won.... for now. A "fake freedom". It's just a political drama like Rep versus Dem. Both Trump & Clinton/Biden are TPTB's puppets.
Maybe TPTB wants to show how loonies the antivaxxers/anti-mandates are. Then boom! Covid infections rise up again (with real data or fake one) and govt blames antivaxxers/anti-mandates again. Then govt learns its mistake & lockdowns happen again & mask and vaxx rules would be re-established, more tightly this time. It's just my theory.
TPTB ain't stupid & wants to play with us a bit like a cat with its wounded prey. Any privacy-invasive tech wouldn't be wasted.
Freedom fighters have won.... for now. A "fake freedom". It's just a political drama like Rep versus Dem. Both Trump & Clinton/Biden are TPTB's puppets.
Maybe TPTB wants to show how loonies the antivaxxers/anti-mandates are. Then boom! Covid infections rise up again (with real data or fake one) and govt blames antivaxxers/anti-mandates again. Then govt learns its mistake & lockdowns happen again & mask and vaxx rules would be re-established, more tightly this time. It's just my theory.
TPTB ain't stupid & wants to play with us a bit like a cat with its wounded prey. Privacy-invasive tech wouldn't be wasted.
Freedom fighters have won.... for now. A "fake freedom". It's just a political drama like Rep versus Dem. Both Trump & Clinton/Biden are TPTB's puppets.
Maybe TPTB wants to show how loonies the antivaxxers/anti-mandates are. Then boom! Covid infections rise up again (with real data or fake one) and govt blames antivaxxers/anti-mandates again. Then lockdowns happen again & mask and vaxx rules would be re-established, more tightly this time.
TPTB ain't stupid & wants to play with us a bit like a cat with its wounded prey. Privacy-invasive tech wouldn't be wasted.
Freedom fighters have won.... for now. A "fake freedom". It's just a political drama like Rep versus Dem. Both Trump & Clinton/Biden are TPTB's puppets.
Maybe TPTB wants to show how loonies the antivaxxers/anti-mandates are. Then boom! Covid infections rise up again (with real data or fake one) and govt blames antivaxxers/anti-mandates again. Then lockdowns happen again & mask and vaxx rules would be re-established.
TPTB ain't stupid & wants to play with us a bit like a cat with its wounded prey. Privacy-invasive tech wouldn't be wasted.