If the shot were to predominantly used to kill you, you might as well as say they search you door to door and gun you down. It's not possible, it wastes too much of their resources, they will face many resistance and it has as much of a visible effect as the Flu vaccines.
What they want here is a highly visible, flashy spectacle that will reverberate for centuries to come, something that the Dark Ages, each Communist Revolution, the Nazis and the Italian Fascists do achieve. The vaccines do none of that sort...But starvation does.
The reason I say this is you are NOT prepared for mass starvation no matter who tells you otherwise. I do not expect an average 21st century pleb to understand. I do not expect any American to understand now. I do not blame, because you cannot understand famine unless you experienced it. Even if you have bullets, you cannot survive without food.
And you also have to remember the Russian famines lasted for 2 decades, the Chinese famines under Chairman Mao lasted for a decade, followed by another decade of Antifa-style Red Guard killer rampages, and Khmer Rouge killers starved Cambodians and "purified" them for 4 years and basically left NOTHING in the country after they are taken down and put to court.
If there is a predescent, it will repeat and rhyme in the same way and people will learn nil from it.
All of this combined points to that there is no better and sneakier way to go out with a bang than forcefully starve people to death via lockdowns where they control your ability as a consumer. People will simply be put off guard, traumatized, shocked and rendered entirely clueless as they are unable to buy food or do any jobs that let them purchase food -- exactly what they want.
If the shot were to predominantly used to kill you, you might as well as say they search you door to door and gun you down. It's not possible, it wastes too much of their resources, they will face many resistance and it has as much of a visible effect as the Flu vaccines.
What they want here is a highly visible, flashy spectacle that will reverberate for centuries to come, something that the Dark Ages, each Communist Revolution, the Nazis and the Italian Fascists do achieve. The vaccines do none of that sort...But starvation does.
The reason I say this is you are NOT prepared for mass starvation no matter who tells you otherwise. I do not expect an average 21st century pleb to understand. I do not expect any American to understand now. I do not blame, because you cannot understand famine unless you experienced it. Even if you have bullets, you cannot survive without food.
And you also have to remember the Russian famines lasted for 2 decades, the Chinese famines under Chairman Mao lasted for a decade, followed by another decade of Antifa-style Red Guard killer rampages, and Khmer Rouge killers starved Cambodians and "purified" them for 4 years and basically left NOTHING in the country.
If there is a predescent, it will repeat and rhyme in the same way and people will learn nil from it.
All of this combined points to that there is no better and sneakier way to go out with a bang than forcefully starve people to death via lockdowns where they control your ability as a consumer. People will simply be put off guard, traumatized, shocked and rendered entirely clueless as they are unable to buy food or do any jobs that let them purchase food.