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all of our history is a lie

Suggested his-story ignores ONE representing the expressed narrative of ALL. A lie represents the suggested contradiction of what others consented to believe to be a truth.

hidden advanced civilization was destroyed

Inspiration is freely perceived; information is being suggested; which allows those who suggest it to withhold it from those who consent to it. As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) it is the velocity of flow that advances and destroys all the form within; especially the form that ignores to resist the velocity of flow. To civilize each other through suggestion represents the domestication of free will into the submission to the free will of others.

we have always had a one world government

As ONE (form) within ALL (flow) it is implied that ALL is ONE in energy aka the ONEness of ALL aka the ONE world system for the ONEs within ALL. What controls (govern) mind (from mens; ment)? Balance (flow) and responding choice (form)...unless ignored for the suggested choices of others.

we are ruled by nefarious entities who view us as cattle

The few represent the parasitic response to the ignorance of the many. If each of the many ignore to respond to the balance of ALL as the ONE with the free will of choice; then the response will be a few CHOSEN ONEs who resist the temptation to ignore their free will of choice. Control over free will implies consenting by free will to suggestion by free will of others. The ignorance of the many tempts the insolence of the few.

all the world is stage for these psychopaths

The many consent to look at what the few suggest them to mimic. The "path" of the "psych" (Greek psykhē "breath, spirit, soul") implies being form (life) adapting to being moved by flow (inception towards death). Meanwhile...PSYCH - "to outsmart" + "make a bid (suggestion) meant to deceive an opponent."

we are born into slavery

One represents "free" will of choice in response to the "dom"-inance of balance aka free-dom. Being subjected to the will of others (slave) implies consent by free will to suggestion by free will of others. Those who identify as slaves consent to not want to use their response ability of choice within balance.

does our creator hate us?

Creationism represents a suggested belief system and implies "creation out of nothing" aka one creator who made all. This ignores perceived transmutation; which implies ONEs transmutation out of base ALL (energy) aka flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death). One cannot perceive creation (new out of nothing); one perceives transmutation (shaped out of everything). Perception itself represents input of ALL things perceivable into each ONE thing consciously receiving perceivable input.

Hate vs love represents the suggested rebranding of want vs not want (imbalance); which implies ignorance as choice towards responding to need (balance).

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

all of our history is a lie

Suggested his-story ignores ONE representing the expressed narrative of ALL. A lie represents the suggested contradiction of what others consented to believe to be a truth.

hidden advanced civilization was destroyed

Inspiration is freely perceived; information is being suggested; which allows those who suggest it to withhold it from those who consent to it. As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) it is the velocity of flow that advances and destroys all the form within; especially the form that ignores to resist the velocity of flow. To civilize each other through suggestion represents the domestication of free will into the submission to the free will of others.

we have always had a one world government

As ONE (form) within ALL (flow) it is implied that ALL is ONE in energy aka the ONEness of ALL aka the ONE world system for the ONEs within ALL. What controls (govern) mind (from mens; ment)? Balance (flow) and responding choice (form)...unless ignored for the suggested choices of others.

we are ruled by nefarious entities who view us as cattle

The few represent the parasitic response to the ignorance of the many. If each of the many ignore to respond to the balance of ALL as the ONE with the free will of choice; then the response will be a few CHOSEN ONEs who resist the temptation to ignore their free will of choice. Control over free will implies consenting by free will to suggestion by free will of others. The ignorance of the many tempts the insolence of the few.

all the world is stage for these psychopaths

The many consent to look at what the few suggest them to mimic. The "path" of the "psych" (Greek psykhē "breath, spirit, soul") implies being form (life) adapting to being moved by flow (inception towards death). Meanwhile...PSYCH - "to outsmart" + "make a bid (suggestion) meant to deceive an opponent."

we are born into slavery

One represents "free" will of choice in response to the "dom"-inance of balance aka free-dom. Being subjected to the will of others (slave) implies consent by free will to suggestion by free will of others. Those who identify as slaves consent to not want us their response ability of choice to balance.

does our creator hate us?

Creationism represents a suggested belief system and implies "creation out of nothing" aka one creator who made all. This ignores perceived transmutation; which implies ONEs transmutation out of base ALL (energy) aka flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death). One cannot perceive creation (new out of nothing); one perceives transmutation (shaped out of everything). Perception itself represents input of ALL things perceivable into each ONE thing consciously receiving perceivable input.

Hate vs love represents the suggested rebranding of want vs not want (imbalance); which implies ignorance as choice towards responding to need (balance).

3 years ago
1 score