India doesn't have mRNA vaccines. They do however have AstraZeneca nonsense as well as an inactivated virus vaccine. However, neither of those manufacturers are legally immune. He pushes vaccines of course, but not mandates.
It's interesting the vaccine thing in India. Someone I know there actually got vaxxed with the Indian version of AZ. First shot she got via a private clinic had COVID like symptoms. The second shot she had at a government facility and it felt like saline she said (absolutely no response to it).
I've not made a final decision about Modi yet, on whether he's part of the cabal or not. For all its faults, India has a very rigorous and well audited electoral process, so it is possible, though rare, to get a non-corrupt person elected.
India doesn't have mRNA vaccines. They do however have AstraZeneca nonsense as well as an inactivated virus vaccine. However, neither of those manufacturers are legally immune. He pushes vaccines of course, but not mandates.
It's interesting the vaccine thing in India. Someone I know there actually got vaxxed with the Indian version of AZ. First shot she got via a private clinic had COVID like symptoms. The second shot she had at a government facility and it felt like saline she said (absolutely no response to it). I have my suspicions the government administered ones are saline (they switch them en route).
I've not made a final decision about Modi yet, on whether he's part of the cabal or not. For all its faults, India has a very rigorous and well audited electoral process, so it is possible, though rare, to get a non-corrupt person elected.