It's true the the Japanese recently discovered magnetic and "black substance" contamination in two separate batches of Modern vaccine leading to 2.6 million vials recalled, which is a big deal.
But it is not true that Dr. Robert O Young confirmed the findings of the Spanish studies on graphene oxide. He merely plagiarized their work. Dr. Pablo Campra callls him out on in the comments of Young's website
Stew Peters and Jane Ruby should have done some due diligence before reporting this to the world. Dr. Robert Young has a history of being a medical fraudster who was sued for practicing medicine without a license.
Stew Peters also recently jumped the gun on Patrick King's court case, alleging King won when he LOST the court case and alleging that King proved the Canadian government didn't have evidence of SARS-Cov-2 which he did not.,-one-alberta-man-did-not-end-the:2
It's true the the Japanese recently discovered magnetic and "black substance" contamination in two separate batches of Modern vaccine leading to 2.6 million vials recalled, which is a big deal.
But it is not true that Dr. Robert O Young confirmed the findings of the Spanish studies on graphene oxide. He merely plagiarized their work. Dr. Pablo Campra callls him out on in the comments of Young's website
Stew Peters and Jane Ruby should have done some due diligence before reporting this to the world. Dr. Robert Young has a history of being a medical fraudster who was sued for practicing medicine without a license.
Stew Peters also recently jumped the gun on Patrick King's court case, alleging King won when he LOST the court case and alleging that King proved the Canadian government didn't have evidence of SARS-Cov-2 which he did not prove.,-one-alberta-man-did-not-end-the:2
It's true the the Japanese recently discovered magnetic and "black substance" contamination in two separate batches of Modern vaccine leading to 2.6 million vials recalled, which is a big deal.
But it is not true that Dr. Robert O Young confirmed the findings of the Spanish studies on graphene oxide. He merely plagiarized their work. Dr. Pablo Campra callls him out on in the comments of Young's website
Stew Peters and Jane Ruby should have done some due diligence before reporting this to the world. Dr. Robert Young has a history of being a medical fraudster who was sued for practicing medicine without a license.
Stew Peters also recently jumped the gun on Patrick King's court case, alleging King won when he LOST the court case and alleging that King proved the Canadian government didn't have evidence of SARS-Cov-2 which he did not prove.,-one-alberta-man-did-not-end-the:2
It's true the the Japanese recently discovered magnetic and "black substance" contamination in two separate batches of Modern vaccine leading to 2.6 million vials recalled, which is a big deal.
But it is not true that Dr. Robert O Young confirmed the findings of the Spanish studies on graphene oxide. He merely plagiarized their work. Dr. Pablo Campra callls him out on in the comments of Young's website Stew Peters and Jane Ruby should have done some due diligence before reporting this to the world. Dr. Robert Young has a history of being a medical fraudster who was sued for practicing medicine without a license.
Stew Peters also recently jumped the gun on Patrick King's court case, alleging King won when he LOST the court case and alleging that King proved the Canadian government didn't have evidence of SARS-Cov-2 which he did not prove.,-one-alberta-man-did-not-end-the:2
It's true the the Japanese recently discovered magnetic and "black substance" contamination in two separate batches of Modern vaccine leading to 2.6 million vials recalled, which is a big deal.
But it is not true that Dr. Robert O Young confirmed the findings of the Spanish studies on graphene oxide. He merely plagiarized their work. Dr. Pablo Campra callls him out on in the comments of Young's website Stew Peters and Jane Ruby should have done some due diligence before reporting this to the world.
Stew Peters also recently jumped the gun on Patrick King's court case, alleging King won when he LOST the court case and alleging that King proved the Canadian government didn't have evidence of SARS-Cov-2 which he did not prove.,-one-alberta-man-did-not-end-the:2
It's true the the Japanese recently discovered magnetic and "black substance" contamination in two separate batches of Modern vaccine leading to 2.6 million vials recalled, which is a big deal. But it is not true that Dr. Robert O Young confirmed the findings of the Spanish studies on graphene oxide. He merely plagiarized their work. Dr. Pablo Campra callls him out on in the comments of Young's website
Stew Peters also recently jumped the gun on Patrick King's court case, alleging King won when he LOST the court case and alleging that King proved the Canadian government didn't have evidence of SARS-Cov-2 which he did not prove.,-one-alberta-man-did-not-end-the:2