Good point. Designed obsolescence is a way of control too.
However, in most cases there is a workaround. Not simple, but absolutely possible. They put intentionally weakened parts into devices they sold you. Say, they began to use plastic fittings in car engines that will crack after few years. Make the same part from metal, and it will last forever. Yes, that will take some your time, money and knowledge, but it is absolutely possible. In perfect world you would not need to, but we are in something closely resembling hell. So, it is not a huge price to get rid from one of torture that bastards think out for you.
Good point. Designed obsolescence is a way of control too.
However, in most cases there is a workaround. Not simple, but absolutely possible. They put intentionally weakened parts into devices they sold you. Say, they began to use plastic fittings in car engines that will crack after few years. Make the same part from metal, and it will last forever. Yes, that will take some your time, money and knowledge, but it is absolutely possible. In perfect world you would not need to, but we are in something closely resempling hell. So, it is not a huge price to get rid from one of torture that bastards think out for you.