He says Twitter was never as bad as Facebook or Youtube for censorship (and if so, it was against the wishes of Dorsey).
Hahahahaha. It was the very first platform to shadow ban me. Comparable to Reddit (which also did the same).
Youtube seems much better than either of these. Facebook didn't even let me open an account recently (got insta locked on opening).
He says Twitter was never as bad as Facebook or Youtube for censorship (and if so, it was against the wishes of Dorsey).
Hahahahaha. It was the very first platform to shadow ban me. Comparable to Reddit (which also did the same).
Youtube seems much better than either of these. Facebook didn't even let me open an account recently (got insta locked on opening).
He says Twitter was never as bad as Facebook or Youtube for censorship (and if so, it was against the wishes of Dorsey).
Hahahahaha. It was the very first platform to shadow ban me. Comparable to Reddit (which also did the same).
Youtube is better than either of these. Facebook didn't even let me open an account (got insta locked on opening).
He says Twitter was never as bad as Facebook or Youtube for censorship (and if so, it was against the wishes of Dorsey). Hahahahaha. It was the very first platform to shadow ban me. Next was Reddit and then Facebook didn't even let me open an account (got insta locked on opening).