We have 1 cop on 365 citizens in Germany
There are less Cheka than there are Kulaks or Cossacks. There are also less Khmer Rouge Cadres than there are "April 17 people" (Urbanites) and even then there are "Good Cops" in some zones or villages.
Also I have dogs and am allowed outside even if under quarantine
Nobody cares about it when the big day comes. You and your dog are staying in assuming it ever gets to that level of bad.
All in all the only thing that could prevent the world from succumbing to this is when a majority of Europeans, and preferably Asians too, ignore all restrictions and go on their lives as if it was the old reality.
We have 1 cop on 365 citizens in Germany
There are less Cheka than there are Kulaks or Cossacks. There are also less Khmer Rouge Cadres than there are "April 17 people" (Urbanites) and even then there are "Good Cops" in some zones or villages.
Also I have dogs and am allowed outside even if under quarantine
Nobody cares about it when the big day comes. You and your dog are staying in assuming it ever gets to there.
All in all the only thing that could prevent the world from succumbing to this is when a majority of Europeans, and preferably Asians too, ignore all restrictions and go on their lives as if it was the old reality.