Your admission you don't have the first clue what you're claiming,
and have never owned even a children's telescope,
is acknowledged.
It doesn't take me long to type a few paragraphs, because I type at about 50 words a minute.
it takes you so long to read what others write, because you're incompetent: and marginally illiterate.
You're blocked for being a stupid, posturing monkey, from a government school.
Your admission you don't have the first clue what you're claiming,
and have never owned even a children's telescope,
is acknowledged.
It doesn't take me long to type a few paragraphs, because I type at about 50 words a minute.
it takes you so long to read what others write, because you're so incompetent: and illiterate.
You're blocked for being a stupid, posturing monkey, from a government school.