If during the next 5 false flag protests and beyond (intended to frame Patriots or even an outright LENINIST coup) only 10 or so agitprops or Antifa rioters show up, armymen stopped showing up in the war against China for Taiwan and the vaccine mandates are outright rejected (instead of people taking the unpaid leaves) wherever they are enforced, this is the first step.
The second is when the Federal Reserve is removed and government starts outlawing Freemasons or Intelligence Agency personnel in government and corporate circles with severe infractions (Smart Chinese Emperors won't let Eunuchs or Mystics manage governmental affairs for a good reason, because that will inevitably lead to disaster).
If during the next 5 false flag protests and beyond (intended to frame Patriots or even an outright LENINIST coup) only 10 or so agitprops or Antifa rioters show up, armymen stopped showing up in the war against China for Taiwan and the vaccine mandates are outright rejected (instead of people taking the unpaid leaves) wherever they are enforced, this is the first step.
The second is when the Federal Reserve is removed and government starts outlawing Freemasons or Intelligence Agency personnel in government and corporate circles with severe infractions (Smart Chinese Emperors won't let Eunuchs or Mystics manage governmental affairs for a good reason, because that will inevitably lead to disaster).
If during the next 5 false flag protests and beyond (intended to frame Patriots or even an outright LENINIST coup) only 10 or so agitprops or Antifa rioters show up, armymen stopped showing up in the war against China for Taiwan and the vaccine mandates are outright rejected (instead of people taking the unpaid leaves) wherever they are enforced, this is the first step.
The second is when the Federal Reserve is removed and government starts outlawing Freemasons or Intelligence Agency personnel in government and corporate circles with severe infractions (Chinese Emperors won't let Eunuchs or Mystics manage governmental affairs for a good reason, because that will inevitably lead to disaster).