You know what other government or terror group bans laughter?
The Khmer Rouge.
All display of emotions in the Pol Pot Regime will lead to execution.
Combined with the Social Distancing rules, neverending propaganda, dehumanization, goalposts, lying and gaslighting, the need to "quarantine" everyone for 1 case and the New Normal/Great Reset narrative, the only thing I am sure is this is where we are all heading to. (And I'm not talking specifically about Covid World, I'm talking about all the "Right is wrong and wrong is right" ideology in general)
You know what other government or terror group bans laughter?
The Khmer Rouge.
All display of emotions in the Pol Pot Regime will lead to execution.
Combined with the Social Distancing rules, neverending propaganda, dehumanization, goalposts, lying and gaslighting, the need to "quarantine" everyone for 1 case and the New Norma/Great Reset narrative, the only thing I am sure is this is where we are all heading to. (And I'm not talking specifically about Covid World, I'm talking about all the "Right is wrong and wrong is right" ideology in general)