Came here thinking about the jubilee year.
5782 which started recently is a shmita or sabbath year, represented by the 22nd letter of the hebrew alphabet tav ת, which has symbolism of the passover mark of blood over doorway arches.
Sabbath years are every 7 years, with a jubilee year every 7*7 years, but hasn't been celebrated b/c the twelve tribes were not in the homeland.
5782 is also a divisible by 49, so does that mean the 7 of 7 years jubilee is the following year?
I've also heard 2029 as a possible jubilee year which lines up with other resets.
Came here thinking about the jubilee year.
5782 which started recently is a shmita or sabbath year, represented by the 22nd letter of the hebrew alphabet tav ת, which has symbolism of the passover mark of blood over doorway arches.
Sabbath years are every 7 years, with a jubilee year every 7*7 years, but hasn't been celebrated b/c the twelve tribes were not in the homeland.
5782 is also a multiple of 49, so does that mean the 7 of 7 years jubilee is the following year?
I've also heard 2029 as a possible jubilee year which lines up with other resets.