But they faggots tend to spend far more on consumption, as a lifestyle choice, and therefore debt. This is your average queer. Many tend to also have less life expectancy due to their sexual preference and lifestyle choice.
Family's today cost far more. Because the cost of living is at its highest in human history. The price of food, accommodation, welfare, medicine, technology, transport, and education are the highest in history. They aren't better today, having declined drastically where the planet supposedly peaked in the 80s-90s. Today the wealth divide, cost of living, and inflation has reset by almost a century.
Debatably Trannies exceed most consumption costs of even a few individuals. They are a product of consumption and experimentation. Where their entire lifestyle choice is excess, and greed, being fully indebted to consumption. They cannot survive naturally, they regress, therefore fully dependent on medicine and increasing surgery. Waste.