Tl;dr: opsec is dead; put your balls out on the table because you already have.
Buddy, there’s at least a handful of quantum-esque computers out there that can break ANYTHING. Unless you leave your phone at home, buy a new computer/device with cash at a non-camera’d thrift store, while wearing a mask sunglasses and hoodie, walk to the nearest non-camera’d internet cafe, (remember to change your gait, its not just facial recognition tech, it may even monitor your heart rhythm, so wear some lead over your chest) create a new account, talk in navajo code, wipe your computer down with alcohol, smash it to bits in the dumpster behind the coffee shop—- oh and there’s surveillance satellites so be sure to move underground through the sewers or during a heavy thunderstorm.
It doesn’t matter how many vpns, onion tors, relays, etc. i can guarantee you if you are reading what i am writing you are on many lists. China has a dossier on every single american citizen, and probably five eyes too.