You give yourself way too much credit. You were posting daily garbage that was patently false.
If they REALLY cared about conspiracy, it would be gone.
They just got rid of a bad actor.
The Venezuela posts you were making were really hilarious by the way.
And no, I don't think reddit got rid of you because you were a biased mod. I think they SHOULD have. I think reddit got rid of you because you were a mod pushing constant disinfo and bullshit, the mod abuse was just the icing on the cake.
I've never ever seen another mod post the same thing 5 times in the same day. Deleting the previous post when it got not traction, banning any dissenters, and posting it again.
If you think that's how a mod of a large community should act, especially in a conspiracy community, then you're dishonest as fuck.
Venezuela... LOL What a clown show you were.
You give yourself way too much credit. You were posting daily garbage that was patently false.
If they REALLY carted about conspiracy, it would be gone.
They just got rid of a bad actor.
The Venezuela posts you were making were really hillarious by the way.
And no, I don't think reddit got rid of you because you were a biased mod. I think they SHOULD have. I think reddit got rid of you because you were a mod pushing constant disinfo and bullshit, the mod abuse was just the icing on the cake.
I've never ever seen another mod post the same thing 5 times in the same day. Deleting the previous post when it got not traction, banning any dissenters, and posting it again.
If you think that's how a mod of a large community should act, especially in a conspiracy community, then you're dishonest as fuck.
Venezuela... LOL What a clown show you were.