I would go with what the books say over my speculation. lol. You are doing the right thing and I need to be doing it as well.
And you are 100% right, as I typed that I decided I need to pot a plant ASAP. I've decided on potting a pot plant. And the wheels are in motion already. Its even legal here now so I am totally on the up and up.
EDIT: You can grow potatoes in 5 gal buckets of dirtt on your deck or patio and grow hanging tomato plants without using field space. Probably a shitload of tricks you will learn along he way and I just regurgitated the reasons we are fed so that we cannot become self sufficient and not partake in the system as it is designed.
I would go with what the books say over my speculation. lol. You are doing the right thing and I need to be doing it as well.
And you are 100% right, as I typed that I decided I need to pot a plant ASAP. I've decided on potting a pot plant. And the wheels are in motion already. Its even legal here now so I am totally on the up and up.