These people are very stupid. Do they get better grades for wearing a mask? Masks should be making them stupid. You are inhaling what you exhale, you are also warmer. Hardly producing intelligence, when it decreases it. Not like they are being graded there. But the fact is they are just plain dumb. By not ventilating properly the brain also diminishes cognitively. They have to unless being thrown out by cops wear those masks for extended periods, for hours. As dumb as dumb gets.
These people are very stupid. Do they get better grades for wearing a mask? Masks should be making them stupid. You are inhaling what you exhale, you are also warmer. Hardly producing intelligence, when it decreases it. Not like they are being graded there. But the fact is they are just plain dumb. By not ventilating properly the brain also diminishes cognitively.
These people are very stupid. Do they get better grades for wearing a mask? Mask should be making them stupid. You are inhaling what you exhale, you are also warmer. Hardly producing intelligence, it does decrease it. Not like they are being graded there. But the fact is they are just plain dumb. By not ventilating properly the brain also diminishes cognitively.
These people are very stupid