u/trumpsbluetie: well in Poland we have mostly no Q people,but many patriots fight against the vaccine. And someone created similar story:
Sheep herd growed too big,so sheppards decided to kill some sheeps. They decided to do this by giving sheeps some poisonous candy. However some sheeps were suspecious.They started to call other sheeps to not eat candy. Some ever suggested overriding (so killing) sheppards for this. But sheppards were not so stupid. What was their solution ? Sheppards just added normal candies so not all sheeps were dying imminently. Those sheep who took the candy and survived begun to fight dissident sheeps. And sheppards kept reducing the herd just giving next doses of candies - each time with some candies being poisonous.Without problem with sheeps anymore... It just costed them giving more candies...
u/trumpsbluetie: well in Poland we have mostly no Q people,but many patriots fight against the vaccine. And someone created similar story:
Sheep herd growed too big,so sheppards decided to kill some sheeps. They decided to do this by giving sheeps some poisonous candy. However some sheeps were suspecious.They started to call other sheeps to not eat candy. What was the solution ? Sheppard just added normal candies so not all sheeps were dying. Those sheep who took the candy begun to fight dissident sheeps.And sheppards kept reducing the herd just giving next doses of candies - each time with some candies being poisonous.Without problem with sheeps anymore... It just costed them giving more candies.