I must say, you watched the whole video? In this day and age, that is rare.
Here are some more videos may wish to view.
"but I’m aware of several disease which have shown causation from particular “germs” which should be proof enough for germ theory legitimacy. Right?"
There is a non-viral version of AIDS, there are non viral versions of hepatitis, the herpes genes are in our genome, the ebola virus is a bacteria.
Can you point to any one virus in particular? In addition, it is asserted that viruses, are no more then genetic debris in exomes. With that in mind, terrain theory agrees that viruses do exist, though that they are just far less important then germ theory asserts.
Do vaccines even make sense? You inject a pathogen to become resistant to it? Snake charmers do this with venom, and it's a dangerous way to build an immunity to snake bites.
Are there any air born viruses?
Isn't the spike protean the actual virus?
", but there is so much wrong information in that video."
You really didn't point out anything in particular though did you?
"but I’m aware of several disease which have shown causation from particular “germs” which should be proof enough for germ theory legitimacy. Right?"
There is a non-viral version of AIDS, there are non viral versions of hepatitis, the herpes genes are in our genome, the ebola virus is a bacteria.
Can you point to any one virus in particular? In addition, it is asserted that viruses, are no more then genetic debris in exomes. With that in mind, terrain theory is asserting that viruses, do exist, they are just far less important the4n germ theory asserts.
Do vaccines even make sense? You inject a pathogen to become resistant to it? Snake charmers do this with venom, and it's a dangerous way to build an immunity to snake bites.
Are there any air born viruses?
Isn't the spike protean the actual virus?
", but there is so much wrong information in that video."
You really didn't point out anything in particular though did you?