sure thing.
Let me tell you a little story about a good friend of mine who tried your route.
Tried to run an insulation install business under the radar. Got away with it for almost 3 years.
Lost his house, his vacation property, both vehicles, rights to own property until his bill is paid, forced garnish on ALL money claimed / put into his account he can't PROVE isn't for work, PLUS a $162,000 bill. Had to move back to NB, from Calgary, live in his mom's basement for 6 years before he could even afford an apartment.
His mom tried to 'will' him a house that was long standing in their family. Soon as he changed his address with the DMV, RCMP financial officers were literally, at the door the next fucking day with a notice of expropriation for tax evasion.
Ever been randomly audited by CRA? No? Good luck then.
sure thing.
Let me tell you a little story about a good friend of mine who tried your route.
Tried to run an insulation install business under the radar. Got away with it for almost 3 years.
Lost his house, his vacation property, both vehicles, rights to own property until his bill is paid, forced garnish on ALL money claimed / put into his account he can't PROVE isn't for work, PLUS a $162,000 bill. Had to move back to NB, from Calgary, live in his mom's basement for 6 years before he could even afford an apartment.
His mom tried to 'will' him a house that was long standing in their family. Soon as he changed his address with the DMV, RCMP financial officers were literally, at the door with a notice of expropriation for tax evasion.
Ever been randomly audited by CRA? No? Good luck then.
sure thing. Ever been audited by CRA? Didn't think so. Good luck, bub.