We can try just some straight up math.
Today's tech is 8 hours to reduce a person to ash. Let's say the Nazi's could do that with the ovens we've been shown they used.
Let's say ( for argument ) the Nazi's were executing jews for a 5 year period.
24 hours a day - 8760 hours per year - 43,800 hours in 5 years.
To find how many bodies, per hour, needed to be reduced to ash it's 6,000,000 by 43,800 hours available = 137 bodies per HOUR for 5 years.
Not too sure that's really possible...
We can try just some straight up math.
Today's tech is 8 hours to reduce a person to ash. Let's say the Nazi's could do that with the ovens we've been shown they used.
Let's say ( for argument ) the Nazi's were executing jews for a 5 year period.
24 hours a day - 8760 hours per year - 43,800 hours in 5 years.
To find how many bodies, per hour, needed to be reduced to ash it's 6,000,000 by 43,800 hours available = 137 bodies per HOUR for 5 years.
Not too sure that's really possible...
We can try just some straight up math.
Today's crematorium tech is around 8 hours to reduce a person to ash. Let's say the Nazi's could do that with the ovens we've been shown they used.
Let's say ( for argument ) the Nazi's were executing jews for a 5 year period.
24 hours a day - 8760 hours per year - 43,800 hours in 5 years.
To find how many bodies needed to be reduced to ash it's 6,000,000 by 43,800 hours available = 137 bodies per HOUR for 5 years.
Not too sure that's really possible...
We can try just some straight up math.
Today's tech is 8 hours to reduce a person to ash. Let's say the Nazi's could do that with the ovens we've been shown they used.
Let's say ( for argument ) the Nazi's were executing jews for a 5 year period.
24 hours a day - 8760 hours per year - 43,800 hours in 5 years.
To find how many bodies needed to be reduced to ash it's 6,000,000 by 43,800 hours available = 137 bodies per HOUR for 5 years.
Not too sure that's really possible...
It's just straight math.
6,000,000. Ok, so today's tech, it's around 8 hours to burn to ash a regular size weight person in a crematorium. Let's say the Nazi's could do that.
Let's also ( for straight argument sake ) pretend the Nazi's were executing Jews for 5 years.
24 hours per day = 8760 hours per year = 43.800 hours is 5 years.
43,800 hours by 8 hours a body = 5475 bodies burned PER DAY to disappear 6 million people.
And remember, that's based on 5 years. Reality is we're told less than 2 years before WW2 end, Nazi's starting executions.