It's because the numbers are fabricated.
This is an attempt to push the biggest monstrosity of the 21st century, which you cannot escape.
Once vaccines fail, machine lungs are next, and by this point the best idea is to run to the wilderness. People who ran as soon as they saw the first signs of the Maoist Cultural Revolutions in China, 1966 are treated as heroes by many.
It's because the numbers are fabricated.
This is an attempt to push the biggest monstrosity of the 21st century, which you cannot escape.
Once vaccines fail, machine lungs are next, and by this point the best idea is to run to the wilderness. People who ran as soon as they saw the first signs of the Maoist Cultural Revolutions in China, 1966 are treated as heroes by many.
It's because the numbers are fabricated.
This is an attempt to push the biggest monstrosity of the 211st century, which you cannot escape.
Once vaccines fail, machine lungs are next, and by this point the best idea is to run to the wilderness. People who ran as soon as they saw the first signs of the Maoist Cultural Revolutions in China, 1966 are treated as heroes by many.