Sandy Hook was an Obama-sanctioned false flag operation done for the specific purpose of advancing gun control/removal. Part of Obama's mission goals: to weaken America. He was installed to do that.
Sandy Hook was performed mostly likely by the CIA, which is expert in mind control. Then the media coverage patched over or removed over time to eliminate slip-ups and discrepancies. It was also, in part, a learning exercise for the Deep State in how to do such an event. They got better after that.
Although Obama is a CIA creation, when he took office he began deep infiltration of the FBI. Now, such false flags are more likely to be done by rogue branches in the FBI than by the CIA, as the CIA would rather handle drugs and regime changes but also the odd assassination and plane crash. The FBI is better for domestic arms false flags, and bombings but it does not do the mind control of the patsies, as that is more the province of the CIA. My guess is the CIA manufactures the shooter patsy, and the FBI handles the deaths including killing off the patsy. The CIA is slicker, and the FBI is clumsier.
Obama is still in control, and we WILL see more false flags as Obama pushes Biden to push for gun control. They will need justification for the EOs to come.
Sandy Hook was an Obama-sanctioned false flag operation done for the specific purpose of advancing gun control/removal. Part of Obama's mission goals: to weaken America. He was installed to do that.
Sandy Hook was performed mostly likely by the CIA, which is expert in mind control. Then the media coverage patched over or removed over time to eliminate slip-ups and discrepancies. It was also, in part, a learning exercise for the Deep State in how to do such an event. They got better after that.
Although Obama is a CIA creation, when he took office he began deep infiltration of the FBI. Now, such false flags are more likely to be done by rogue branches in the FBI than by the CIA, as the CIA would rather handle drugs and regime changes but also the odd assassination and plane crash. The FBI is better for domestic arms false flags, and bombings but it does not do the mind control of the patsies, as that is more the province of the CIA. My guess is the CIA manufactures the shooter patsy, and the FBI handles the deaths including killing off the patsy. The CIA is slicker, and the FBI is clumsier.
Sandy Hook was an Obama-sanctioned fake flag operation done for the specific purpose of advancing gun control/removal. Part of Obama's mission goals, to weaken America. He was installed to do that.
Sandy Hook was performed then the media coverage patched over or removed over time to eliminate the discrepancies. It was also, in part, a learning exercise for the Deep State in how to do such an event. They got better after that.
Although Obama is a CIA creation, when he took office he began deep infiltration of the FBI. Now, such false flags are more likely to be done by rogue branches in the FBI than by the CIA, as the CIA would rather handle drugs and regime changes but also the odd assassination and plane crash. The FBI is better for domestic arms false flags, and bombings.