The vaccine injury rate has more cases of harm than COVID infections. It has less deaths. Although that is hardly the point when the vaccine's long term effects are unknown. But in the population vaccinated the adverse reactions are becoming far more than the documented COVID cases.
Why would you risk immediate injury and potential fatality because of an unknown disease?
These people are murderers.
The vaccine injury rate has more cases of harm than COVID infections. It has less deaths. Although that is hardly the point when the vaccine's long term effects are unknown. But in the population vaccinated the adverse reactions are becoming far more than documented COVID cases.
These people are murderers.
The vaccine injury rate has more cases of harm than COVID infections. It has less deaths. Although that is hardly the point when the vaccine's long term effects are unknown. But in the population vaccinated the adverse reactions are becoming far more than documented COVID cases.
These people are murders.
The vaccine injury rate has more cases of harm than COVID infections. It has less deaths. Although that is hardly the point when the vaccines long term effects are unknown.
These people are murders.