No not all of Africa is starving, you are right. It is a big scam to buy more Africans. Seriously it has gone from the World's smallest demographic in all recorded history all the way up until the late 1980s. Now it is the World's second largest demographic. Everywhere the stupid West allowed mass immigration, and increased services, and aid has gained population doubling often tripling their population in about 30 years. But nothing has changed in Africa. Sure today they have iPhones and wear Adidas. Because the West keeps sending them dumbass aid. Adopt an African, sponsor another well. They are all in the majority of their shithole corrupt overpopulated countries, unemployed. About 40 to 70 percent of their rapidly increasing rabid populations are unemployed. Instead they are criminal savages. Turn the aid off, nobody asked for overpopulation. Because that stupid cheap factory making cloned bullshit, pays a worker, who then has 3 wives and 20 kids. Now there are terrorists everywhere. So they claim asylum. Now there are poorer white people. Every job going somewhere else has lost opportunity. Every factory somewhere else is paying somebody else with their money. Until white people literally bought and paid for Chinese nukes. Because the 1 percent sells another bullshit service enriching themself off any global utilities, products, and services. They don't care what slave makes them money.
No not all of Africa is starving, you are right. It is a big scam to buy more Africans. Seriously it has gone from the World's smallest demographic in all recorded history all the way up until the late 1980s. Now it is the World's second largest demographic. Everywhere the stupid West allowed mass immigration, and increased services, and aid has gained population doubling often tripling their population in about 30 years. But nothing has changed in Africa. Sure today they have iPhones and wear Adidas. Because the West keeps sending them dumbass aid. Adopt an African, sponsor another well. They are all in the majority of their shithole corrupt overpopulated countries, unemployed. About 40 to 70 percent of their rapidly rabid populations are unemployed. Instead they are criminal savages. Turn the aid off, nobody asked for overpopulation. Because that stupid cheap factory making cloned bullshit, pays a worker, who then has 3 wives and 20 kids. Now there are terrorists everywhere. So they claim asylum. Now there are poorer white people. Every job going somewhere else has lost opportunity. Every factory somewhere else is paying somebody else with their money. Until white people literally bought and paid for Chinese nukes. Because the 1 percent sells another bullshit service enriching themself off any global utilities, products, and services. They don't care what slave makes them money.
No not all of Africa is starving, you are right. It is a big scam to buy more Africans. Seriously it has gone from the World's smallest demographic in all of the recorded history all the way up until the late 1980s. Now it is the World's second largest demographic. Nothing has changed in Africa. Sure today they have iPhones and wear Adidas. Because the West keeps sending them dumbass aid. Adopt an African, sponsor another well. They are all in the majority of their shithole corrupt overpopulated countries, unemployed. About 40 to 70 percent of their rapidly rabid populations are unemployed. Instead they are criminal savages. Turn the aid off, nobody asked for overpopulation. Because that stupid cheap factory making cloned bullshit, pays a worker, who then has 3 wives and 20 kids. Now there are terrorists everywhere. So they claim asylum. Now there are poorer white people. Every job going somewhere else has lost opportunity. Every factory somewhere else is paying somebody else with their money. Until white people literally bought and paid for Chinese nukes. Because the 1 percent sells another bullshit service enriching themself off any global utilities, products, and services. They don't care what slave makes them money.