Either he was the shooter or he wasn't. He's not a person of interest, either he was a shooter or he wasn't period.
Boulder weather was at 37 degrees. How many men go shirtless to the market in that temperature?
And in general who would go to shoot up people and not wear a shirt? So did they remove his clothes? Did he remove his shirt to mob up blood? Was he on drugs?
The extent of broken windows in photos is odd. They weren't shot out. Did the cops break them to gain access? But only the center was broken across a side area.
So many non-answered questions in the news stories. Doesn't feel right.
Either he was the shooter or he wasn't. He's not a person of interest, either he was a shooter or he wasn't period.
Boulder weather was at 37 degrees. How many men go shirtless to the market in that temperature?
And in general who would go to shoot up people and not wear a shirt? So did they remove his clothes? Was he on drugs? The extent of broken windows in photos is odd. They weren't shot out. Did the cops break them to gain access?
So many non-answered questions in the news stories. Doesn't feel right.
Either he was the shooter or he wasn't. He's not a person of interest, either he was a shooter or he wasn't period.
Boulder weather was at 37 degrees. How many men go shirtless to the market in that temperature?
And in general who would go to shoot up people and not wear a shirt? So did they remove his clothes? Was he on drugs? NO mention of who got shot.
So many non-answered questions in the news stories. Doesn't feel right.